Welcome to the website of The Lone Star State Sigmas, the members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. in the great state of Texas! This website is dedicated to highlighting exciting news and developments that are happening in Sigma around the state of Texas. It is our hope is that you will utilize this website as a resource for more information about The Lone Star Sigmas!

We strive to aid the less fortunate in our community by assisting with and hosting our own food distribution and clothing drives.

We take pride in guiding and cultivating the young minds of the next generation. These are our future leaders and they will change the world for the better.

We proudly take the opportunity to partner with other organizations that care about the people in the world we live in.

We are thankful to be a part of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., a brotherhood like no other, creating bonds of friendship and love that last a lifetime.
Calling all Lone Star State Sigmas! The 2022 Lone Star State Conference will be September 16-18, 2022, on the campus of Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas! Please click here or on the graphic for all the details, COVID guidelines, online forms and downloadable registration kit!
Early Bird ends August 17th, 2022
Regular ends September 14th, 2022

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity is excited to announce our 2020 Come Back Home and Get in Good Trouble Membership Incentive.
This initiative officially starts on October 1, 2020 and goes through December 31, 2020. The Come Back Home Membership Incentive allows Brothers who
Calling all Lone Star State Sigmas! The 2024 Lone Star State Conference is here, and to top it all off, we are celebrating 50 years of Lone Star Sigma! Be a part of this momentous event! The conference is November 15-17, 2024, at The Westin San Antonio North. Please click here or on the graphic to download the 2024 State Conference Guide, with all the details you need to know for the next few days.

Our Mission
The brothers of Phi Beta Sigma are the Fraternity’s most valuable resource and strength. They are the primary means by which the Phi Beta Sigma objectives will be achieved. In order to accomplish the Fraternity’s objectives, it is essential that systems are instituted that effectively embody “Culture For Service and Service For Humanity” and promote brotherhood, scholarship and service.

Our National Programs
Bigger and Better Business
Bigger and Better Business is first national program of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. When Bigger and Better Business was adopted as a national program, special emphasis was placed on encouraging and promoting Negro businesses. At its inception, the program sought to encourage Negro businesses to improve their business acumen, efficiency and service to the public, to be competitive with other businesses.
The Education program developed from the Fraternity’s traditional emphasis on education academic achievement as an ingredient for success. The program focuses on providing a variety of services to alumni and collegiate members of the Fraternity, which in turn translates to services to local communities. In-house programs include providing scholarships, conferences, college fairs, mentoring and tutoring at local, regional and national levels.
Social Action
Formed in 1934, the Social Action program was conceived to focus on improving the general wellbeing of disenfranchised people. The mission of the International Social Action Program is to encourage social, political and philanthropic leadership which strengthens our respective communities and our membership.
Sigma Beta CLub
In the early 1950s, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity became the first Greek organization to establish a youth auxiliary group. Under the direction of Bro. Dr. Parlett L. Moore, while serving as National Education Director, the Sigma Beta Club was founded. Brother Moore was concerned with changing needs in our communities and recognized the important role that Sigma men could play in the lives of our youth.
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., is an international organization comprised of 150,000 college-educated men, and built primarily on the ideology of promoting Brotherhood, Scholarship and Service. Over its one hundred plus years of existence, the Fraternity has focused on improving the global community through dedicated service. This focus has compelled the development of these four main programs.
To learn more about these programs and more about Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., please visit out International website at http://phibetasigma1914.org
Contact Us
Thanks for visiting our website! Feel free to contact us directly using the form on the right if you have any questions or are looking for more information. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!